Tech trends speakers & tech trend experts

Find tech trends speakers & tech trends experts. Hire tech trends motivational speakers & tech trends keynote speakers for corporate meetings & events. Search Canada's top tech trends experts and tech trends speakers who bring thought leadership & expertise to provide strategy on the latest trends on technology at tech conferences & gatherings. Speakers Bureau Canada has the best tech trends speakers, tech trends keynote speakers & tech trends motivational speakers who provide valuable insights into the trends of technology and its impact on businesses. We help you book public speakers & guest speakers on technology trends for organisations at retreats & gatherings. Hire professional tech trends experts and popular tech trends speakers, thought leaders, specialists & experts who deliver presentations, speeches & talks to provide insights & skills for technology trends and implementation at symposiums, conventions & summits in Canada.

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Eric Noel

Eric Noel

Macro Trends & Futurist Expert


Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Big Data
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
Eric Noel is a geo-economist and thinking advocate who facilitates private seminars and conferences to bring clarity and foresight to decision-making...
Kathy Macdonald

Kathy Macdonald

Online Investigator | Canadian Online Safety | Fraud Prevention & Cyber Security Expert


Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Big Data
  • Blockchain & Metaverse
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
Kathy Macdonald is a retired police officer with the Calgary Police Service, with almost three decades of investigative and crime prevention...
Sam Effah

Sam Effah

2 Time Canadian 100m Champion


Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Big Data
  • Blockchain & Metaverse
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Collaboration
Sam Effah is a two-time Canadian Champion in the 100m who has an innate enthusiasm for the sport, the Olympic movement and helping people find their...
Tyler Waye

Tyler Waye

Leadership & Future of Work Strategist


Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Big Data
  • Blockchain & Metaverse
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
Tyler Waye is a renowned leadership and work expert, a media entrepreneur, the co-founder of the Mindset app, and a sought after speaker and...
Vik Maraj

Vik Maraj

The Science behind 21st Century Organizations Leadership | Change & Workplace Culture


Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
  • Change Management
  • Collaboration
Vik Maraj is an original thinker; a speaker with the real-time battle-tested experience that comes with becoming a trusted advisor to some of the...
Wade Sorochan

Wade Sorochan

Award Winning Mental Health And Social Media Expert


Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Addictions & Substance Abuse
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
  • Happiness & Positivity
  • Health & Human Performance
Wade Sorochan is an accomplished broadcaster, national award-winning speaker, and mental health advocate. Author of a ground-breaking book Unsocial...
Marie-Michèle Larivée

Marie-Michèle Larivée

Trend Forecaster | Future Speaker & Entrepreneur


Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
  • Change Management
  • Disruptive Innovation
  • Future of Work
Marie-Michèle Larivée is a trends consultant who traces the evolution & societal changes by translating it into aesthetics such as colors,...
Adam Rodricks

Adam Rodricks

Artificial Intelligence | Social Media Strategist | Digital Marketing


Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Digital marketing
  • Marketing & Branding
  • Social media
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Business Growth
  • Storytelling
  • Event Hosts & Moderators
  • TED & TEDx
Adam Rodricks is an award-winning keynote speaker & bestselling author on personal brands, AI, and digital social media marketing trends for...
Nikola Danaylov

Nikola Danaylov

Futurist | Strategic Adviser And Business Expert


Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
  • Change Management
  • Collaboration
Nikola Danaylov is a keynote speaker, futurist, strategic adviser, popular blogger & podcast host, #1 bestselling author of Conversations with the...
Keita Demming

Keita Demming

Leadership | Transformation | Disruptive Innovation & Business Performance Expert


Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Big Data
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
Thought leader, Keita Demming Keita is an award-winning educator and coach who is working to transform companies into places and spaces that are...
Keren Taylor-Hughes

Keren Taylor-Hughes

Former CEO | Agile Change Advisor & Transformation Expert


Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
  • Business Transitions
Keren Taylor-Hughes is an agile change advisor & business leadership strategist with a passion for implementing sustainable organizational change....
Rocky Ozaki

Rocky Ozaki

Future of Work | Business Transition | Workforce Engagement | Technology & Innovation Expert


Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
Rocky Ozaki is the Founder & CEO of the NoW of Work - a business transformation firm whose primary focus is helping leaders build future-proofed,...
Sanjay Dhebar

Sanjay Dhebar

Schulich School of Business Faculty | Author | Sales Strategists | Motivator


Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
  • Business Transitions
Sanjay Dhebar is a keynote speaker, sales strategist & motivator, coaching salespeople in organizations including TD Bank, Mercedes Benz, and...
Avijit Arya

Avijit Arya

Internet & Social Media Marketing Strategist & Small Business Expert


Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
  • Business Transitions
  • Communication
  • Consumer Behaviour & Retail
Avijit Arya is a Keynote Speaker, Trainer and Social Media/Digital Marketing Expert. Streetcar racer turned hotelier & social media influencer. He is...
Ross Pambrun

Ross Pambrun

Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Innovation Expert | Métis | Fire Captain


Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
  • Business Transitions
Ross Pambrun is the CEO of an artificial intelligence company that uses machine learning to protect communities around the globe from environmental...
Najib Jutt

Najib Jutt

Political Analyst | Campaign Strategist | Brand Strategist | Leadership | Entrepreneurialism


Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Accessibility
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Growth
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Digital marketing
  • Diversity & Inclusion
Najib Jutt is a highly experienced consultant, strategist, and expert speaker with over 20 years of experience in management, marketing, and...
Zachary Spicer

Zachary Spicer

Public Sector And Government Thought Leader | Technology | Policy Design And Innovation


Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
  • Change Management
  • Collaboration
  • Disruptive Innovation
Zachary Spicer is an Associate Professor at York University's School of Public Policy and Administration in Toronto, Canada, who excels in building...
Dr. Elizabeth Cannon

Dr. Elizabeth Cannon

Inspiring Excellence And Shaping Futures Through Leadership And Innovation | Author


Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Big Data
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
A renowned motivational speaker and leadership authority, Dr. Elizabeth Cannon's trailblazing expertise in Geomatics Engineering and her...
Abishur Prakash

Abishur Prakash

Geopolitical Business Trends | Political Analyst | Economic Markets & Technology


Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Economics
  • Global Business Solutions
  • Business Technology
  • Tech trends
  • Disruptive Innovation
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Future Trends
Abishur Prakash is a CEO, founder, geopolitical business expert & speaker guiding businesses to leverage geopolitics & technology for success....
Julia Fournier

Julia Fournier

Founder & CEO | Artificial Intelligence & Business Strategist | Leadership and Transformation Expert


Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Business Leadership
  • Leadership and Change
  • Business Technology
  • Tech trends
  • Process & Systems
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Organizational Leadership
Julia Fournier is an accomplished speaker, thought leader, founder & serial entrepreneur that has built 4 reputable long-standing companies. She is a...
Alizabeth Calder

Alizabeth Calder

Business Leadership | Digital Transformation | Systems & Process | Innovation Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Transformation
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Process & Systems
  • Tech trends
  • Business Technology
  • Innovation & Creativity
Alizabeth Calder is a bestselling author & sought-after keynote speaker who inspires leaders to capitalize on successful digital investments &...
Cherry Rose Tan

Cherry Rose Tan

Futurist | Entrepreneur | General Partner At Renew Venture Capital | Leadership & Tech Visionary

Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Big Data
  • Blockchain & Metaverse
  • Burnout Prevention
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
Cherry Rose Tan is the Entrepreneur in Residence at the Schulich School of Business, where she advises an ecosystem of 250 startups and 3,000...
Chief Clarence Louie

Chief Clarence Louie

Indigenous Inclusion | First Nation Leadership | & Economic Development Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
  • Change Management
Chief Clarence Louie is a sought-after speaker and a successful entrepreneur who has been Chief of the Osoyoos Indian Band for over 36 years. Chief...
Greg Lindsay

Greg Lindsay

Future And Technology | Globalization | Urbanization And Innovation Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Big Data
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Technology
Greg Lindsay is a futurist, urbanist, critically acclaimed author & journalist that analyses what mobility & mixed-use development looks like in the...
Jennifer Casa-Todd

Jennifer Casa-Todd

Education | Literacy And DIgital Classroom Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Growth
  • Business Technology
  • Change Management
  • Communication
  • Digital marketing
  • Employee Management
  • HR & Corporate Culture
Jennifer Casa-Todd is a former literacy consultant for the York Catholic District School Board, author & teacher-librarian at a school in Aurora....
Jim Harris

Jim Harris

Futures | Strategy | Innovation | Change Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Big Data
  • Blockchain & Metaverse
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
Jim Harris is a leading disruptive innovation speaker who is one of North America's foremost management consultants and thought leaders on change and...
Lauren Sergy

Lauren Sergy

Communication and Public Speaking Expert | Master of Ceremonies

Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Disruptive Innovation
  • Employee Engagement
Lauren Sergy helps people from all walks of life leverage the power of communication, public speaking, and rhetoric. As a professional speaker,...
Michael Rogers

Michael Rogers

Futurist | Technology | Media And Trend Forecasting Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Big Data
  • Blockchain & Metaverse
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
Michael Rogers is a dynamic futurist keynote speaker and an expert in virtual presentations for audiences ranging from startups to Fortune 500...
New York New York, Ontario
Myron Dueck

Myron Dueck

Humorous | Inspirational And Global Education Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Business Technology
  • Change Management
  • Communication
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • HR & Corporate Culture
  • Influence & Negotiation
  • Leadership
Myron Dueck has been a teacher & administrator in Canada & New Zealand, developing assessment strategies in his classroom, school & district for 23...
Nikolas Badminton

Nikolas Badminton

Business Innovation & Futurist | Author | Business Strategy & Industry Trends Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Big Data
  • Blockchain & Metaverse
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
Nikolas Badminton is an award-winning speaker, world-renowned futurist & strategist who innovates & futureproofs organizations to face our futures....
Randall Craig

Randall Craig

Tech Futures | Digital Visionary | Marketing And Technology Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Big Data
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
Randall Craig is an internet pioneer who led the digital strategies for several major market newspapers, consulting firms, and financial institutions...
Stephane Simard

Stephane Simard

Employee Management, Communication and Generational Workplace Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Burnout Prevention
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Change Management
  • Collaboration
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Disruption Management
Stephane Simard (CRHA, CSP) is an international bilingual speaker and author of ten books translated into four languages, including the bestseller...
Tony Chapman

Tony Chapman

Futurist & Emcee | Branding | Marketing | Sales | Customer Service | Disruption Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Big Data
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
Tony Chapman is one of Canada's most sought-after keynote speakers, conference hosts and moderators. Tony is known for his marketing, branding, and...
Linda Nazareth

Linda Nazareth

Futurist | Economist | Innovation & Market Trends Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
  • Change Management
Linda Nazareth is an economic trends & futurist speaker who assists organizations navigate change, future of work & the global economic markets....
Kevin O'Leary

Kevin O'Leary

Respected Investor | Business And Entrepreneurship Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Technology
  • Communication
  • Corporate Responsibility (CSR)
  • Entrepreneurship
Kevin O'Leary is a top entrepreneur speaker, author, venture capitalist, guest judge on Shark Tank, and star on Money Court. His opinionated nature...
Richard Worzel

Richard Worzel

Futurist | Financial Analyst | Business Visionary Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Big Data
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
  • Change Management
Richard Worzel has dedicated the last 29 years to studying the future as his full-time job and has helped hundreds of organizations learn how to turn...
Vincent Fung

Vincent Fung

Award Winning Speaker | Visionary | Entrepreneur Leader | Best Selling Author | Technology Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Big Data
  • Blockchain & Metaverse
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Growth
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
  • Corporate Responsibility (CSR)
Vincent Fung is a Cyber Security Expert & CEO, of Debian IT. Vincent Fung is a leading IT industry expert and has spoken at numerous technology...
Shafiq Jamal

Shafiq Jamal

Independent Consultant | Crisis Response | Reputation Management Expert | Media Trainer

Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Accessibility
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Addictions & Substance Abuse
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Big Data
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Technology
Shafiq Jamal is s Crisis & Reputation Management Expert. With over 26 years of experience in the corporate sector, Shafiq has garnered extensive...
Neel Singh

Neel Singh

Strategic Advisor | Artificial Intelligence | Leadership | Innovation | Branding & Marketing Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
Neel Singh is a brand strategy consultant helping organizations innovate and grow through strategic marketing, technology and business...
Bruce Croxon

Bruce Croxon

Digital Investor Co-Host of 'The Disrupt' BNN Bloomberg Successful Entrepreneur

Speaker Topics

  • Tech trends Speakers
  • Accessibility
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
  • Business Transitions
  • Change Management
Bruce Croxon is a managing partner of Round 13 Capita, and co-host of The Disruptors, BNN’s most recent, original TV program that spotlights...