Business Ethics Speakers & Business Values Speakers

Are you seeking impactful insights on business ethics and values for your corporate meetings? Look no further than the Speakers Bureau of Canada! Our comprehensive platform connects you with top-notch business ethics speakers and business values speakers who are renowned experts and keynote speakers. Navigate our curated list to find distinguished professionals adept at providing thought leadership and expertise on business ethics and values. Elevate your corporate events with our business ethics speakers, guest speakers, and professional speakers, offering unparalleled insights for making value-based and ethical decisions in the workplace. The Speakers Bureau of Canada takes pride in presenting a diverse selection of business ethics speakers and business values speakers, each a thought leader and specialist in their field. From keynote speakers to experts, our roster caters to your specific needs for corporate ethics and values. Discover the perfect match for your event and elevate your business ethics and values with our speakers. Book now and ensure your conferences, symposiums, and corporate summits in Canada are enriched with the wisdom of our esteemed professionals. Trust the Speakers Bureau of Canada to deliver impactful presentations, speeches, and talks that enhance skills and foster ethical decision-making in your workplace.

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  • Under $4,500
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Devon Clunis

Devon Clunis

Former Winnipeg Chief of Police | Leadership | Workplace Culture Diversity & Inclusion Expert


Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Change Management
  • Collaboration
  • Cultural Diversity
Devon Clunis is an international business and leadership consultant with extensive Executive Leadership experience. He was Chief of Police for the...
Dianne Saxe

Dianne Saxe

Environmental Lawyer | Environmental Commissioner | Expert On Climate | Energy And Environment


Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Leadership
  • Communication
  • HR & Corporate Culture
  • Influence & Negotiation
  • Leadership
  • Leadership and Change
  • Organizational Leadership
Dianne Saxe, Ph.D. in Law and in Environmental Studies (Hon.), is Toronto City Councillor for University-Rosedale, and one of Canada’s most...
Elaine Allison

Elaine Allison

Leadership | Customer Service and Sales | Customer loyalty And Sales Expert


Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Bullying At Work
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Conflict Resolution
Elaine Allison is a Certified Speaking Professional who specializes in customer service strategies and training. She is the author of the bestselling...
Kathy Macdonald

Kathy Macdonald

Online Investigator | Canadian Online Safety | Fraud Prevention & Cyber Security Expert


Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Big Data
  • Blockchain & Metaverse
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
Kathy Macdonald is a retired police officer with the Calgary Police Service, with almost three decades of investigative and crime prevention...
Paul Derry

Paul Derry

Law Enforcement And Criminal Behaviour Expert


Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Addictions & Substance Abuse
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Change Management
Paul Derry is an author, interactive speaker and former RCMP Informant and agent known for his unique perspective on topics such as recidivism and...
Theo Heineman

Theo Heineman

Safety Management Systems And Workplace Health And Safety Expert


Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Collaboration
  • Employee Engagement
  • Employee Management
Theo Heineman is a business owner and entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience, working as a safety professional providing consulting and;...
Todd Leader

Todd Leader

Inspirational Speaker | Psychology | Leadership Consultant And Mental Health Expert


Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Addictions & Substance Abuse
  • Bullying At Work
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Change Management
  • Collaboration
  • Employee Management
Todd Leader is a registered psychologist, social policy & mental health expert who has spent the last 26 years leading service development &...
Valerie Cade

Valerie Cade

Bully Free At Work | Respect | Leadership And Communication Expert


Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Bullying At Work
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Management
  • Change Management
  • Collaboration
  • Employee Engagement
  • Employee Management
Valerie Cade is an award-winning speaker, one of North America's top expert in the field of workplace bullying and creating respectful productive...
Rachel Baptiste

Rachel Baptiste

Business Leadership | Equity Diversity & Inclusion


Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Transitions
  • Change Management
Rachel Baptiste is a business leader, strategic advisor that optimizes leadership, innovation & employee performance with business strategy. Whether...
Rocky Ozaki

Rocky Ozaki

Future of Work | Business Transition | Workforce Engagement | Technology & Innovation Expert


Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
Rocky Ozaki is the Founder & CEO of the NoW of Work - a business transformation firm whose primary focus is helping leaders build future-proofed,...
Sanjay Dhebar

Sanjay Dhebar

Schulich School of Business Faculty | Author | Sales Strategists | Motivator


Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
  • Business Transitions
Sanjay Dhebar is a keynote speaker, sales strategist & motivator, coaching salespeople in organizations including TD Bank, Mercedes Benz, and...
Catherine Bell

Catherine Bell

Successful Entrepreneur | Business Leader | Best Selling Business Author


Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Change Management
  • Collaboration
Catherine Bell is an entrepreneur, business leader, and best-selling author who helps organizations create healthy corporate cultures. Catherine has...
Jeff Lehman

Jeff Lehman

Strategic Leadership | Communication | Corporate Governance & Economic Development Expert


Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Change Management
Jeff Lehman is Politician, Lecturer, & Certified Director. He is 46th Mayor of the City of Barrie, CEO of the Corporation and Head of Council. A...
Barrie Barrie, Ontario
MacDonald Oguike

MacDonald Oguike

Leadership | Conflict Management | Change & Emotional Intelligence Expert


Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Bullying At Work
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Transitions
MacDonald Oguike is an award-winning Leadership, Emotional Intelligence Expert, Team Management, People Development, Team Building, and...
Andrew Kirsch

Andrew Kirsch

Former Canadian Spy & Intelligence Officer | Risk Management & Privacy | Cyber & National Security


Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Cyber Security
  • Privacy
  • Business Leadership
  • Global Business Solutions
  • Business Technology
  • Business Transitions
  • Consultant & Coach
  • Safety
  • Government Departments & Agencies
Andrew Kirsch served as an intelligence officer with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) for just under a decade. He held roles as a...
Razina Visram

Razina Visram

Change Management | Transformation | Leadership & Business Strategy Expert


Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Bullying At Work
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
Razina Visram is a highly sought after Keynote Speaker, Certified Executive Coach & Change Management Expert. The CEO & Founder of Cocentric...
Jared Smith

Jared Smith

Martial Artist & Community Ambassador | Entrepreneur | Business Advisor & Leadership Expert


Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Growth
  • Innovation & Creativity
  • Strategic thinking
  • Business Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Business Technology
  • Leadership and Change
  • Organizational Leadership
For 20 years, Jared Smith, a Canadian-based business advisor, serial entrepreneur, professional speaker, martial artist, and community ambassador,...
Suzanne Knight

Suzanne Knight

Future Of Work Leader | AI Driven Success | Innovation & Transformation Expert


Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Women's Leadership
  • Women Of Influence
  • Business Growth
  • Personal Growth
  • Resilience & Change
  • Innovation & Creativity
  • Influence & Negotiation
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Peak Performance
Suzanne Knight, MBA, MA, is an award-winning expert, keynote, and TEDx speaker, renowned for her practical insights on transformational change and...
Alizabeth Calder

Alizabeth Calder

Business Leadership | Digital Transformation | Systems & Process | Innovation Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Transformation
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Process & Systems
  • Tech trends
  • Business Technology
  • Innovation & Creativity
Alizabeth Calder is a best-selling author & sought-after keynote speaker who inspires leaders to capatalize on successful digital investments &...
Beckie Scott

Beckie Scott

Olympic Speaker | Overcoming Adversity | Resilience & Teamwork Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Change Management
  • Collaboration
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Excellence & Success
  • Health & Human Performance
  • HR & Corporate Culture
Keynote speaker, Beckie Scott is a three-time Olympian cross country skier who won both a Silver Medal and Bronze Medal along with 15 World...
Cherry Rose Tan

Cherry Rose Tan

Futurist | Entrepreneur | General Partner At Renew Venture Capital | Leadership & Tech Visionary

Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Big Data
  • Blockchain & Metaverse
  • Burnout Prevention
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
Cherry Rose Tan is the Entrepreneur in Residence at the Schulich School of Business, where she advises an ecosystem of 250 startups and 3,000...
Christopher Bauer

Christopher Bauer

Ethics | Value And Trust Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Employee Management
  • HR & Corporate Culture
  • Leadership
  • Organizational Leadership
Christopher Bauer, a licensed Psychologist with over 25 years of experience as a trainer, keynote speaker, and consultant, has worked with front-line...
Gobinder Gill

Gobinder Gill

Diversity | Inclusion And Multicultural Workforce Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Change Management
  • Collaboration
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Diversity & Inclusion
Gobinder Gill is a #1 best selling author on Amazon for "Achieving Prosperity Through Diversity" on Embrace, Support & Lead a Diverse Cultural...
Micah Solomon

Micah Solomon

Customer Service | Customer Experience And Business Innovation Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Change Management
  • Collaboration
Micah Solomon is an author, consultant, entrepreneur & keynote speaker with an authority on customer service, company culture, and the customer...
Washington Washington, USA
Michael Rogers

Michael Rogers

Futurist | Technology | Media And Trend Forecasting Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Big Data
  • Blockchain & Metaverse
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
Michael Rogers is a dynamic futurist keynote speaker and an expert in virtual presentations for audiences ranging from startups to Fortune 500...
New York New York, Ontario
Nikolas Badminton

Nikolas Badminton

Business Innovation & Futurist | Author | Business Strategy & Industry Trends Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Big Data
  • Blockchain & Metaverse
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
Nikolas Badminton is an award-winning speaker, world-renowned futurist & strategist who innovates & futureproofs organizations to face our futures....
Randall Craig

Randall Craig

Tech Futures | Digital Visionary | Marketing And Technology Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Big Data
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
Randall Craig is an internet pioneer who led the digital strategies for several major market newspapers, consulting firms, and financial institutions...
Sinclair MacRae

Sinclair MacRae

Trust | Value And Ethics Speaker

Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Employee Engagement
  • Employee Management
  • Employee Retention
  • Happiness & Positivity
  • HR & Corporate Culture
Sinclair MacRae is an experienced public speaker and Associate Professor of Professional and Business Ethics, with more than 25 years of teaching...
Steve Foran

Steve Foran

Happiness | Leadership | Employee Engagement And Growth Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Burnout Prevention
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Customer service
Steve Foran is a leadership speaker, gratitude expert and CEO of a company focused on behaviour, culture change and; his own personal gratitude...
Kelly Donovan

Kelly Donovan

Canadian Police Whistleblower Against An Impenetrable System To Improve The Ethical Standard

Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Bullying At Work
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Management
  • Employee Management
  • Leadership
  • Leadership and Change
  • Organizational Leadership
  • Personal Growth
Kelly Donovan is a Canadian Police Whistleblower who challenged unethical decisions being made by leadership and faced harsh reprisal. Kelly Donovan...
Wasaga Beach Wasaga Beach, Ontario
Sonia Funk

Sonia Funk

Nutritional Therapist | Health Expert | Wellness & Culture Strategist

Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Change Management
  • Collaboration
  • Employee Engagement
  • Happiness & Positivity
  • Health & Wellness
Sonia Funk is a corporate wellness strategist, speaker, and nutritional therapist, with international experience for exhausted, stressed leaders and...
Adam Kreek

Adam Kreek

Olympic Gold Medalist | Value Driven Leadership | Peak Performance Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Business Leadership
  • Organizational Change
  • Leadership and Change
  • Organizational Leadership
  • Peak Performance
  • Health & Wellness
  • Health & Human Performance
  • Olympians & Olympics
  • Motivation
Olympic Gold Medalist & Business Speaker, Adam Kreek is a top Canadian Executive Business Coach who specializes in values driven leadership & peak...
Devon & Pearlene Clunis

Devon & Pearlene Clunis

Personal & Professional Life Growth | Diversity & Inclusion Experts

Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
Devon & Pearlene Clunis, champions of diversity and inclusion, bring unique perspectives to their work. Devon, hailing from Jamaica, immigrated to...
David Chilton

David Chilton

Best Selling Author | Investor | TV Personality

Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Transitions
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Excellence & Success
Whether it’s helping millions of Canadians achieve personal financial success or investing in low-fat cookbooks, David Chilton has always had a...
Kevin O'Leary

Kevin O'Leary

Respected Investor | Business And Entrepreneurship Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Technology
  • Communication
  • Corporate Responsibility (CSR)
  • Entrepreneurship
Kevin O'Leary is a top entrepreneur speaker, author, venture capitalist, guest judge on Shark Tank, and star on Money Court. His opinionated nature...
Robert Herjavec

Robert Herjavec

Cyber Security Leader | Panelist On ABC's Shark Tank | Business Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Excellence & Success
  • HR & Corporate Culture
  • Marketing & Branding
  • Personal Growth
Robert Herjavec is a globally recognized motivational, business, and cyber security leader. For the last 14 years, Robert has been well known as one...
Marc Haine

Marc Haine

Keynote Speaker | Customer Experience Expert | Corporate Trainer & Facilitator And Author

Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Change Management
  • Collaboration
Marc Haine is a keynote speaker, corporate trainer & facilitator, leadership development & customer experience/service expert & business consultant...
Terri Ann Richards

Terri Ann Richards

Resilience & Overcoming Adversity Speaker | Leadership Development Coach | Corporate Trainer

Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Adaptability & Agility
  • Alliances & Partnerships
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Leadership
  • Business Management
  • Business Transitions
  • Change Management
Terri Ann Richards is a keynote Resilience & Overcoming Adversity Speaker, Leadership Development Coach, and Corporate Trainer. With over 16+ years...
Saint John Saint John, New Brunswick
Sophie Jama Malindi

Sophie Jama Malindi

Women Empowerment | Inclusive Leadership Expert

Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • Inclusive Leadership
  • Organizational Leadership
  • Women's Leadership
  • Women In Business
  • Women Of Influence
  • Influence & Negotiation
  • Psychological Safety
Sophie Jama Malindi is a Women Empowerment Leader. She has broad experience in managing cause-driven programs for global humanitarian organizations....
Shawn Casemore

Shawn Casemore

Sales Expert | Author | Advisor | Coach

Speaker Topics

  • Business Ethics & Values Speakers
  • Business & Corporate
  • Business Ethics & Values
  • Business Growth
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
  • Business Transitions
  • Corporate Responsibility (CSR)
  • Customer service
Shawn Casemore is a sales expert and professional speaker who inspires his audiences to new levels of sales performance, sharing insights and...